
Baby Led Weaning

    Around the time Leyton was 4-5 months, I started hearing about baby led weaning, baby purees, baby puffs,…

Brow Power

      One of the single most game changing tools I’ve added to my beauty arsenal in the past…

Beautiful Dreamer: Home Grown Bloggers

This Fit Chic post is a little different. When I took these pictures, I had no idea I’d be using…

Scottsdale, Arizona Weekend Getaway

Eric and I left the baby for the first time this past month! I can’t believe we had our first…

Dry Winter Skin Be Gone

      I’ve partnered with Dove to tell you all about their New Dove Dry Oil Collection featuring their…

Mommy and Son Date Ideas Box

      As a new mom, I learned as soon as Leyton was born into the world I wanted what…

Boy Mom Style: Easter Dress (+Giveaway)

              Easter is Sunday and we are so excited for Leyton’s first Easter! I’ve…

Whole Foods Beauty Week (+Giveaway)

Whole Foods Beauty Week has officially kicked off! It’s time to load up on your favorite organic and pretty products,…

Spring Forward Transition

      Did you spring forward yesterday? It was officially a beautiful and warm sunny day that was light outside…

Fit Chic: Rack Room Shoes

        I started talking with the hubs about what I really needed for the spring the other…

Fur Real

        Well, Birmingham, and most other places in the South it’s the time of year where you…

Leyton is 6 Months Old!

  Dear Leyton, Happy half birthday, buddy! 6 Months Old is a pretty big deal. Your new normal is hitting…

Life Hacks for Moms

It’s amazing how after about 2 months postpartum, you seem to get your groove back bit by bit. At almost…

Trend Spin Linkup: Athleisure

      Have you heard of the term athleisure yet? If so, welcome, my people! It was just a…