
Patriotic Fruit Pizza

Fruit + Berries + Cookie + Icing = Sugary Perfection. For Memorial Day this year, we got together with our…

Weigh This: From the Readers

After last week’s post on what you weigh yourself on, I got several great answers from my readers about what…

Clean Eating Lemon Chicken Marinade

Everyone seems to be short on time in the summer. Whether it’s vacationing, packing for vacation, kid’s activities, or pool…

30 Weeks

How far along? 30 weeks pregnant and the baby is 15.7 inches long from head to heel. In case you missed my…

My 10 Minute Beauty Routine

When the summer heat hits, makeup melts, hair curls, and sweat ensues. It’s not the prettiest picture of a southern…

Weigh This

I had a conversation the other night with some friends about body image. We were talking a lot about how…

20 Things You Should Know Before You Have a Baby

This weekend was an eye-opening one to say the least! Eric and I signed up for a parenting class called…

29 Weeks

How far along? 29 weeks pregnant and the baby is a little over 15 inches long from head to heel.…

Be Still

Be still. That’s not an easy task for me. I love being busy, and my type-a personality thrives off of…

28 Weeks

How far along? 28 weeks pregnant. I’m slightly freaked out to think that in less than 10 weekends, Leyton could…

Pregnancy Safe Skincare

Today I’m welcoming a blogging friend I met several years ago at Blissdom Blog Conference! She is a southern girl…

27 Weeks

How far along? 27 weeks pregnant. And officially in the third trimester. HOLY MOLY. In case you missed my last…

Style the Bump: Jumpsuit

The black jumpsuit from yesterday’s Wedding Wear post got me all pumped up on the jumpsuit trend. And since I…

Wedding Wear

Wedding season is upon us, friends. And I always think it’s so fun to pick out an outfit for a…