SHOP the Partner Workout Look: Pyramid Sports Bra // Twist Back Tank // K. Deer Leggings // Shoes (similar) // Earrings
We are already on day 13 of Whole30 and our Facebook group is still going strong! You girls are keeping me motivated, I love it!
This week we kept our meals pretty simple per usual. We had Nourish Meals a lot for lunches and dinners; don’t forget you can use code HEATHER15 for $15 off your first order. I had my tuna and apple salad a few times, had steaks with green beans and potatoes with ghee which was amazing, and also had some grilled chicken salads. We ate out for date night on Saturday night and I had blackened fish with fingerling potatoes and a side salad + unsweet tea. And we got a Zoe’s to go meal with friends on Friday night.
I got together with my friend Life Lutzurious last week to film this workout video and was super excited to do it with her because she shows pregnancy modifications during the whole routine.
This workout consists of 3 mini-workouts. The great thing about this workout is you can complete all 3 blocks together to create one workout OR break them up into 3 separate workouts, completing 3 rounds of each block instead of 1 round of all 3 blocks (hopefully that makes sense). In the workouts, I am going full out, and Lindsey from Life Lutzurious is providing some pregnancy modifications for each exercise. As always, please consult your physician and/or trainer before starting any new workout routine.
Quick In-Home Partner Workout: THE WORKOUT
For a more advanced or longer workout, complete all 9 exercises with 3 sets of 10 reps.
PARTNER Workout BLOCK 1 (complete 10 reps of each exercise before moving to block 2 or repeating block 1)
STAR JUMPS (10 reps) | Pregnancy Modification: Knee Ups (10 reps each leg)
SHOULDER + SHIN TAPS (10 reps total; 1 rep includes each shoulder and each shin)
V-UPS (10 reps) | Pregnancy Modification: Hold Plank for approx 30 seconds
PARTNER Workout BLOCK 2 (complete 10 reps of each exercise before moving to block 2 or repeating block 1)
BURPEES (10 reps) | Pregnancy Modification: don’t call all the way down
JUMPING LUNGES (10 each leg) | Pregnancy Modification: regular lunges (10 each leg)
SIT UPS (10 reps) | Pregnancy Modification: HOLLOW ROCK (10 reps)
PARTNER Workout BLOCK 3 (complete 10 reps of each exercise before moving to block 2 or repeating block 1)
*partner workout OR modify to complete individually*
SIDE PLANK PASS THROUGH (10 reps; 1 rep is 1 over and 1 under…use ANYTHING as a weight. We used a bottle of almond milk!)
PUSH UP HIGH FIVES (10 each arm) | Pregnancy or Beginner Modification: push ups from knees
Don’t forget to head over to Happily Hughes and Life Lutzurious to see their Whole30 Inspo posts of the week!
Shop the Partner Workout Post Here:

I can’t wait to do this workout tomorrow!! I just quit my job and now I’m saying home with my girls! Hooray for nap time workouts! Thanks Heather!