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After having a baby, you have to learn to live with your new body.
I hate to break it to you… but your body simply will never go back to the exact way it was before; to “normal”.
But don’t think this is all bad news! You have to learn to love and care for your new postpartum self!
I promise that you can still lose weight, be fit, and have energy again.
However, you birthed an actual human, and your body needs to be cared for with a little more grace.
Recently personal trainer Jessica Hughes was on the podcast, and she shared some tips with the listeners on how to start taking care of your body again after giving birth, especially caring for your body through postpartum workouts.
Postpartum Moms: Take 30-45 Minutes For Yourself
You know all the sayings: You can’t pour from an empty cup.
You have to put on your own oxygen mask before putting on someone else’s.
Love your neighbor as yourself. The Bible literally says you must love yourself first to be able to love your neighbor.
There will always be things to clean, meals to make, and laundry to do. Guess what? It’ll all still be there for you after you take a few minutes for yourself to get a postpartum workout in.
It’s so important that you take care of your health, and keep your cup full, so you are able to care for everyone else and be the best you that only YOU can be.
Where To Start With Postpartum Workouts?
Start small! Jess recommends finding a trainer on Instagram or YouTube who posts workouts you feel comfortable doing and following them at home. You don’t have to jump in and pick up a 50-pound dumbbell. Start with five pounds and try to follow a workout a couple of times per week. As you feel stronger, you can use heavier weights and increase your intensity.
Practice Mind-Body Connection
When you work out, you want to be able to engage the muscles you are working.
A mind-body connection helps to ensure you are focused on building the muscle you are working.
You can touch the muscle you are working on to help keep the focus there for that exercise. This also helps you to move your body in an intuitive way and avoid injury.
Keep Healthy Snacks On Hand
Many moms will go all day on just a couple hundred calories and then eat 2000 calories for dinner because they’re starving. The best way to combat this is to have healthy snacks and bottles of water on hand throughout the day and make small meals if possible.
Additionally, if you just had the baby and people want to bring you a dish of food, you can request healthy options like a bag of salad and a rotisserie chicken.
You won’t ever have your pre-baby body again, but you can love your new postpartum body and give yourself grace.
If you want to learn more about postpartum workouts and healthy tips for mamas, visit www.mylifewellloved.com/hhb030!