Thank you Lorissa’s Kitchen for sponsoring this post. Lorissa’s Kitchen makes delicious snacks using high quality meats like 100% grass-fed beef and chicken raised without antibiotics! Click here to purchase Lorissa’s Kitchen on Amazon!

Pregnancy Foods Diary:
Breakfast: In the beginning of my pregnancy, I couldn’t stomach much first thing in the morning but HAD to eat immediately so I wouldn’t feel like throwing up. I was SUPER lucky that I didn’t have bad morning sickness with either one of my pregnancies. I usually ate some kind of crackers first thing in the morning to calm my stomach and couldn’t do coffee early on because it made me nauseous to think about it. Even though I don’t typically drink sodas, I would sometimes in early pregnancy to help get a little caffeine and settle my stomach.
Now I’m back to my typical banana and nut butter + coffee routine. Sometimes I’ll toast some sprouted grain bread and top it with the banana and nut butter. Since we always have whole milk on hand for Leyton I usually add a splash of that into my coffee whether I drink it hot or iced.
Shop the Pregnancy Foods Post: Shorts // Sports Bra // Sunglasses (similar) // Purse
Snack:Â I ALWAYS have snacks on hand whether it be in my purse or my computer bag because I can’t afford to let my energy crash especially in between workouts or teaching fitness classes while pregnant.
I shared with y’all last week in my IG stories that I grabbed my Lorissa’s Kitchen strips in the car because it’s a quick way to get protein and it tastes delicious. Lorissa’s Kitchen meat snacks are made with only the highest quality meats including 100% grass-fed beef and chicken raised without antibiotics. All of their snacks are gluten-free and you won’t find preservatives, added growth hormones added MSG, or added nitrites.
I really like all their flavors (Korean Barbeque Beef Steak Strips, Ginger Teriyaki Chicken Cuts and Original Beef Steak Strips), but Eric and I both agree that the original steak strips are our favorite. You know I love living a healthy lifestyle as easily as possible so these are a great fit for that! To learn more about them, you can click here.
Water Bottle: If our water challenge is any indication of how important water is to me, you know it’s pretty high ranking on my priority list! I pretty much always have a water bottle on me because I know if I don’t, there is no way I’ll get in my 8+ glasses of water a day. Sometimes at lunch I’ll opt for an unsweet tea with lots of lemon to change it up a bit, but between living in the south where it’s pretty much 90+ degrees and THICK humidity in the air, workouts and being pregnant, I can almost never get enough water it seems.
Lunch: Salad or a kids’ meal is the norm whether it be at Ashley Mac’s, Chick-fil-a, or somewhere else when I’m out and about. To be honest, while I’m pregnant if there’s a dessert to be spotted (yes, I’m looking at you peach milk shake) I’ll typically get the smallest size of it. Hey, you’re only pregnant so many times, right?? If I’m at home, I usually do leftovers from dinner, a salad or my tuna/apple/balsamic vinegar combo.
Snack:Â As baby continues to expand, I’ve found I can’t eat that big of a meal normally so I get hungry AGAIN. Usually for this snack I’ll grab watermelon (hello, pregnancy craving), cashews, a smoothie, or half an avocado with everything but the bagel seasoning on it.
Dinner: We keep dinners super simple as you’ve probably noticed by most the recipes posted on my blog! Usually we just do a meat on the grill + veggies. This helps me stay healthy, keeps everything streamlined and helps us spend less on groceries. We base what we buy for the week on what’s on sale at the store and fill in typically with what’s not on sale at Aldi to round out our recipes/snacks/etc.
Dessert:Â OK, ok, so I don’t usually eat dessert but while I’m pregnant I find myself keeping chocolate covered coconut almonds on hand and popping a few at night. Then there are the rare occasions when baby wants some cookie dough or white chocolate mousse and Eric gladly runs out to oblige. Ha!
Since I try so hard to workout and also eat healthy for the most part that pregnancy is meant to be enjoyed as well so I try not to feel bad if I eat a cookie or a blueberry donut here or there. 😉 If you have questions about what I mean when I say we try to eat clean, you can check out some of my clean eating posts HERE and get more recipe and snack inspo!
What are your favorite pregnancy foods?! I’d love to hear in the comments below!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.