This downloadable Summer Meal Planning Pack is curated from a passion to help moms take control of meals for their kids, especially during the summer months when schedules look different and kids are out of school.
It is designed specifically for the busiest mom with the pickiest kid. Regardless the age of the child, these simple hacks, tips, activities for littles, recipes, and more, will assist meal planning not only in the summer season but year round.
This eBook speaks to the heart of busy mamas trying to:
- Encourage healthy eating with their children
- Revamp their kitchen for CLEAN eating and healthy living
- Simplify figuring out what’s for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
while focusing on being present in the simple moments of motherhood. In your purchase, you will receive a 11 page eBook to tangibly involve you and your child in the journey to healthy eating. It includes a 5-step guide to revamp your kitchen to set you up for successful healthy meal planning all summer long.
This eBook is written by Heather Brown – a healthy life + style content creator (and mom of 2) at My Life Well Loved.
*Please note: During checkout, you will be prompted to enter shipping information. However, this product will be delivered via email to directly download and enjoy!

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