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Do you ever wonder what you would do if you had more time in a day? For instance, what if you could stop sorting laundry, stop washing dishes, stop going through junk mail? I spent some time mulling over this while I was in Tampa on vacation a while back. I wrote a post then on tips to unwind because it was cloudy and rainy the whole time we were at the beach. Slowing down and taking a moment to breathe is so important for your sanity, for your health, and for your body.
Earlier today, my friend Haley even told me that I’m like the Energizer Bunny…always going! Usually that is true and it is a part of who I am but as I do get older, I’m starting to realize how important it is to slow down occasionally as well. If I had a little bit of extra time in my days, here’s some things I would incorporate more into my daily life:
1. Reading: I used to love reading books of all kinds, magazines and anything I could get my hands on! I’d love to start reading more often as a way to unwind.
2. Enjoying small date nights with the hubs: Whether it be wine night in and a movie or dinner out, Eric and I love having dedicated time together. It’s really hard to come by these days while he works 7 days a week many times and I work multiple jobs.
3. Notes: I love surprising friends and family with small notes or thoughtful presents. It’s just a fun way to show that you care, not to mention that writing can be therapeutic for me. Case in point: this blog.
4. Devotionals: I wish I prioritized more quiet time with the Lord where I could write in my journal and just sit still and meditate on the Bible. I love reading She Reads Truth devos to help me do this.
5. Cleaning: As silly as this sounds, I really do feel better when we have a clean home and right now I’m lucky if I play speed catch up once a week. I know the hubs would love it if we deep cleaned more often too. It’s just so hard when you’re only home 1-2 hours a night when you’re not working, cooking or eating to spend that hour or so cleaning house!
Luckily, I think I’ve found 1 way to save a little bit of time and money when it comes to cleaning. I just picked up the new Purex No-Sort laundry detergent at Walmart to help me at least not have to spend the precious minutes digging through the hamper and Eric’s closet sorting through laundry colors. Dark, Lights, Dark, Dark oops that was a light, I threw it in the dark pile…go fish it out. You know the drill!
Purex’s new No Sort Laundry product is taking care of this for me! They use an Anti-Color-Transfer Technology which traps loose dyes in the wash and does not let them settle onto other fabrics. As a result, this allows me to be able to simplify the laundry routine by doing less sorting and less loads. The back label reads “Purex No Sort detergent is packed with innovation, but it can’t perform miracles, so please follow these words of advice: wash strongly colored fabrics or new pieces of clothing, especially jeans, separately at least 5 times before doing a mixed color load with Purex No Sort detergent.” You can find out more on their Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter or Youtube page!
If you had extra time in your day, how would you spend it?

Finding extra time in the day is one thing I’m always looking for! #client