Happy Monday, friends! It’s The Bachelor night! If you don’t already know, I’m live tweeting The Bachelor tonight with Life Lutzurious and we’d love to have you join us by using hashtag #BlogTheBach.
I know several of you are off work today for President’s Day so I hope you are enjoying sleeping in and some beautiful weather. I am FINALLY getting around to sharing the results of my 2016 reader survey with you guys. I left it open throughout January but honestly was afraid I would only get a few responses. I’m so grateful to see that you guys exceeded my expectations and I’m incredibly blessed to call you guys my community. I asked for constructive criticism and what you loved seeing here on the blog and your answers were just SO kind. Thank you for loving on me and this space, I don’t feel worthy of some of the words you said to me.
You can see below for my overall takeaways from the questions I asked so far and I’d be honored if you haven’t taken the survey yet, if you’d go here to do so!
Reader Survey Results:
How long have you been a blog reader & how often do you visit MLWL?
A lot of you have been following between a year to two years, some of you have found me in the past year, and a small percentage of you have been here since my old blog…bless your heart! 😉 Most of you say that you check my blog several times a month and some of you even several times a week…wow, you guys, THANK YOU! It’s such an honor to have you spend your valuable time here with me on my site and I hope every time you do, you leave feeling encouraged!
How do you find out about new blog posts?
This question was super important to me because I want to make sure I’m letting you know when new content is out there to the best of my ability. 56% of you find out about new posts via email which is why I think signing up for my email newsletter is SO important! You may not know this, but due to Facebook and Instagram’s algorithm, they won’t always show you my posts. In fact, I can see in analytics that only about 1% of my audience sees my posts most the time. 🙁 That’s super frustrating for me and some of you have expressed frustration with this as well. If you would please sign up for my email HERE I can make sure you find out about new posts with deals, encouragement, and healthy inspiration for your busy life.
How did you find MLWL?
A lot of you found me via Instagram or Pinterest and then a few of you said because you personally know me. 🙂 No matter where you came from, every time you visit my blog, or like a photo on Instagram or pin something I post here, it means the world to me. Your support is so amazing so THANK YOU for sharing me with your friends and family members…there’s no higher compliment you can give me.
What content do you like the best on my blog and what do you wish I would post about more often?
It sounds like you guys are busy ladies who like to workout…YES! You truly are my people. Ha! 😉 Your favorite things I post about on the blog are health/fitness and anything to make the busy mom/lady lifestyle easier. After that, you said you wanted to see more personal stories on faith, our life, and motherhood.
I heard you guys LOUD & CLEAR that you want more health and fitness related content, so I’m working on that as I look forward into content planning for 2017. In fact, my friend Laura from Walking in Memphis in High Heels and I are planning a fitness and paleo challenge for March so stay tuned for the details on that! Several of you mentioned loving doing Whole30 with me and enjoying my Facebook group. I had SO much fun doing that with you guys too.
I left what you wanted me to post about more often as a fill in the blank so the answers were all over the place, which I loved. It’s SO fun to hear such honest and creative ideas from y’all. I’ve included some of the answers below. A common theme again was health and fitness, so other than that see a few excerpts from some of your surveys below:
- Life in Bham
- Healthy eating/recipes that your son will eat too
- I love your content right now. It’s very expansive and very current for where I am in life.
- Fashion
- Deals (I have added a new PS section at the end of every email I send out with my current favorite deal and also have started sharing sales in my FB group as well!)
- Home tips/style/decor, anything kiddo related
- Things to do as a family
- I enjoy the variety of your posts
- Baby/Motherhood/Personal Posts
Several of you also mentioned being interested in seeing video content from me, so I’m asking for your patience as I start to dip my toe in the water with that. There’s a lot to learn as far as set up, actually videoing and then editing as well. You can see my first mom & baby fitness video I posted a little over a week ago here.
What do you like the most about MLWL?
I could cry because you guys are SO encouraging. I am overwhelmed by your graciousness and kind words. You all sure know how to make a girl feel appreciated. The most recurring theme to this question was that you appreciate the honesty, optimism and realness to my blog and social media platforms.
All I can say to that is, life is not perfect and I sure as heck don’t have the time or energy to pretend it is. 😉 HA! That’s why God gave us grace…to save us from the mess of our sin and selves. Thank you Jesus!
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. -2 Corinthians 12:9
Another recurring theme was that you appreciate the photography on my blog. Ahhh, I can’t wait to share this with Casey Marie Photography. She is responsible for 90% of the beautiful photos on here. I still have a LOT to learn about my new camera.
If I create videos, what would you like to see?
Again, the theme of health and fitness kept coming up which is why one of my first videos was the 15-minute mom + baby workout. A few other suggestions were:
- A Day in the Life
- Clothing Hauls & Organization Tips
- Work outs. Maybe some from your home trainer sessions. Also I loved the video showing what you bought at the store. I literally wrote down what you bought and used it for my grocery list. I like the time of your live videos. It works perfectly with my schedule!
- Makeup tips, quick workouts, easy recipes
- How to choose outfits and workouts at home
- DIY for kids or home, outfit ideas and how they’re accessorized for different looks
- I very seldom watch videos. I’d rather read written post where I can skim to find the parts that interest me. I don’t have time to watch videos!
As many of you may know, I did a Facebook Live video every Sunday during our Whole30 in January. I am planning to bring back the Facebook Lives soon and would welcome your feedback about topics and ideas you’d like to discuss. 🙂
Shop the Look:
Tunic: Le Petit Market Instagram Shop Page (50% off! making it only $26), just comment with your email address and that you want it to have it shipped// Vest: Entourage (sold out but see below for more options) // Boots: On sale! If you need new boots, make sure you check out THIS post with tons of boots and booties $50 or under. // Earrings: At Home in Homewood
I’d love to have you sign up for my email list here! Don’t forget one email subscriber each month wins a prize as a thank you for being a loyal reader. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for reading MLWL! Always feel free to leave a comment or email me with your suggestions!
PS There’s lots of President’s Day Sales you don’t want to miss including the Nordstrom winter sale, Anthro’s additional 40% off sale, and 25% off shoes and clothing & up to 30% off furniture at Target!

I am super excited about this Paleo/Fitness challenge in March! I just joined a gym so I’m SUPER motivated, LOL!!
YAY!!!! So glad to hear it, Ash. You going paleo with me for 15 days??