Shop my PJ’s: My Green Softest EVER Pajamas – I have partnered with Kindred Bravely to offer you the discount code HEATHER20 for 20% off my PJ’s // Necklace // Leyton’s Star PajamasÂ
I have a problem…I keep forgetting I’m pregnant. Whoops! You can tell because my first and last bumpdate until today was at 14 weeks, ha! Seriously though, running around after Leyton and trying to keep up with life, work and teaching Pure Barre right now is just making me feel a little coo coo. I know MANY, many of you can relate to that coo coo sentiment.
When we were down in 30A last week I could have sworn I felt the baby move, but I haven’t felt it again since then so now I’m thinking it may have been just my stomach going crazy from all the good food I ate. Side note, since I wore these PJ’s non-stop in 30A and at home for the last month since I got them, they are a MUST HAVE. Seriously, I don’t know why I waited so long to get soft adult, soft pajamas. The t-shirts aren’t cutting it anymore to sleep in after having these on my body. Don’t forget you can use code HEATHER20 for 20% off to snag your new softest pajamas ever.
I am in shock that I am almost half way through pregnancy! It blows my mind that our little baby is growing so fast in there.
First pair of MATERNITY SHORTS are here!!! // Sweatshirt
Seventeen Weeks Pregnant Bumpdate:
How far along? Seventeen Weeks Pregnant! How in the world am I almost half way?!
Total weight gain: 15 pounds – all the delicious food at the beach last week must be to blame. 😉
Maternity clothes? Yes! I just got a pair of Pink Blush jeans and a few dresses in that I’m excited about as well as these white denim shorts from Shopbop that are pictured above. I’m thinking I’ll be able to wear them after pregnancy and I love how they are a touch longer in the back. They are definitely an investment piece but being pregnant during the summer, I plan to wear them SLAP OUT. FYI, first first time customers, use “15ForMe” coupon code and purchase through the iPhone or Android app to get a discount.
Stretch marks? Not yet, I am using this belly oil to prevent them from settling in.
Sleep:Â Praise the Lord, I’m still sleeping pretty well.
Best moment this week:Â Â Getting relief from my lower back pain at the chiropractor!
Miss Anything? My energy! I wish I had more of it back although I’m thinking the time change on Sunday’s spring forward didn’t help matters.
Movement:Â No, I don’t think so but hard to tell
Anything making you queasy or sick:Â Not currently.
Gender:Â We find out soon!
Labor Signs:Â No
Symptoms: Tired. Nauseous some mornings if I don’t eat enough.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood:Â Grateful my cough is finally gone!
Baby is the size of:Â Turnip
Looking forward to:Â Â Finding out the gender!