Let’s talk SUNDAY RESET: As moms, we make so many decisions every day. Most of them revolve around our kids, spouses, and other people depending on us. But you chose to come to this post for YOU and give it a read, so let’s take that a step further.

Loving your body starts with a decision, just like reading this post. One of my secrets to fitting in self care is to make an appointment with myself. Literally. It might sound funny, but making an appointment in my calendar allows me to slip in a workout, pray and read my Bible, indulge in a face mask, or even get an unrushed shower with time to shave my legs. Ha!
Starting My Week Off With First Day Vitamins
Have you heard of First Day Gummies?! One of the things that I’m most thankful for is that my boys love eating gummies, because it’s such an each way to get vitamins in them! Y’all know I’ve shared different ways that I try to make sure my kids are getting enough nutrients, but did you know that OVER-nutrition is just as common as UNDER-nutrition?! I had NO idea! Let’s be honest mama, we can try all we want to make sure our kids eat enough fruits, veggies, proteins, etc, but how calming is it to know that I can give my kids some First Day gummies on the way out the door and know that they’re all set for they day?? I LOVE these gummies because their supplements only houses needed nutrients one’s body needs AND they’re not full of sugar! Click HERE to shop First Day Vitamins! If you try them, shoot me a DM and let me know what you think!

How I Start My Week To Set Myself Up To Love My Body:
The weekends can get so crazy busy and it’s easy to forget to plan for the week.
Enter my Sunday Reset! It’s just a few simple tasks I have laid out for myself and this is what they typically look like: A#1 is TYPE or WRITE EVERYTHING for the week in your calendar so you can CLEARLY see what and how to plan for what’s ahead!
You can see how I typically lay out my week and my fave organizing hacks and tools for my work week here! For instance, if I realize the class Valentine’s Day party is on Thursday on Sunday then I can add Valentine’s Day goodies for the boys’ classes to my grocery list Sunday, saving me time!

#1 // Plan out the week’s meals – Coordinate schedules, date night for Eric and I + a babysitter, Leyton and Finn’s school day lunches, date nights and more. Put it all in writing so you can see it clearly!
#2 // Pencil in workouts for the week ahead – times for us to take family walks, Burn Bootcamp classes and any other needed “appointments” to show up for myself.
#3 // Schedule in some self-care – Sister, it’s been a longggg week. Treat yourself to a mini spa day. Prep your body physically and mentally for the week by taking a little time for yourself. Take a relaxing bath, a long, hot shower…whatever helps you feel more like YOU! One thing I am sharing on Instagram that I’m newly obsess with is the Finishing Touch Flawless Nu Razor that gives you a DRY shave – anytime, anywhere. Since I found it on sale, I had to share! Grab it at the discounted price today and then stack it with code HELLO10! to get an additional $10 off for new customers!
#4 // Clean & organize – If I have time, I usually try to clean and organize one area of my home that’s driving me bonkers… like my kitchen island or dining table. And I typically try to do at least 1 load of laundry.
#5 // Plan a “tivity” to do with the boys! One goal I have for myself as a mama is to spend one-on-one intentional time with my boys each week! One way I love to do this is with a sensory activity (aka “tivity” as Leyton calls it!). If you’re looking for an easy activity to do with your littles that promotes sensory play, check out our favorite ideas here!
Taking these few simple steps does wonders for starting the week off right!
Remember, some seasons of life are crazy, especially with little ones, so you will probably have to get creative + communicate well to make it happen! TINY STEPS COUNT. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t do the perfect Sunday Reset – start small. Even if your win this week is getting a 15-minute workout in, or making time for skincare, be encouraged! None of us are perfect and neither are our crazy schedules.
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Today’s Takeaway To Make Your Sunday Reset Happen:
Try writing out what your ideal Sunday Reset (or whatever day of the week works best for you) would entail. Is it meal planning? Setting up you week for success? Doing 2 loads of laundry? Organizing one area of your home? Doing something else for self-care? Write it out and plan to do it tomorrow! You can even add it as a recurring event reminder in your phone calendar to help you remember to do this!
Friend, you can’t pour from an empty cup. God makes it clear in His Word that rest is important, and even though our ultimate peace is found in Him, we can still pursue moments of peace and rest in our daily lives. And have you filled out why you’re grateful for your body today? If not, do it right now!

Informative post! Thanks a lot for sharing please keep sharing more.