After 24 days of Whole30 and eating clean in general normally, I’m really wanting to make sure that my protein powder, coffee creamers, superfoods drink, energy bars and everything in between is as clean as possible with as little added sugar as possible. Since I run around chasing a toddler, teach Pure Barre, work on the blog full time and do all the other things in life worth loving 😉 just like you do, busy lady….we need some energy! And we need to find a way to do it in a healthy manner. Hopefully, you’ve watched my Sunday Facebook lives this month where we’ve talked about healthy food options, how to succeed at Whole30 and more. But, THIS Sunday, we’ll be talking with a registered dietitian from HomeFit personal training about how to transition back to more foods after Whole30.
When looking for other options of bars, shakes and superfoods blends to eat or drink on the go, one of the best options I’ve found is Orgain. I probably drove their staff crazy asking so many questions about all the ingredients!
There is a recent survey showing people spend more time deciding what to watch on Netflix than they do on deciding what food to eat! How crazy is that when you think about it? One thing I’ve loved about doing Whole30 is that it’s gotten me back in the habit of reading labels. I no longer trust the gimmicky sales pitches and “health claims” on the front of the boxes that line supermarket aisles, my eyes are going straight to the ingredient list and then the nutritional table!
Orgain’s Step One: Get Picky with Your Protein campaign, which encourages people to kick off their New Year’s Resolutions on the right foot by having high standards when it comes to their protein – to literally Get Picky with food choices. And honestly, our dollars speak! If you keep spending money on the crap food that is “low fat” but has added sugar which is much more dangerous for your body, you are telling the industry to keep creating bad food for us to consume. This campaign calls on people to check ingredients and demand high quality and great tasting protein on their journey towards healthier lives. To learn more about the campaign and get expert advice on achieving health and wellness New Year’s resolutions goals, go to
When I asked about the ingredients in the products the Orgain RD happily shared the ingredients that were not Whole 30 compliant.
Once I found this this information out, I inquired further with these question…I told y’all…I was annoying! I only want to let you know about awesome new products if I know they are good! I was also so happy they were willing to fill me in and happy to answer my questions. That is a rare find, friends!
Is the milk grass-fed cows?
The Grass fed protein shakes and powders contain only grass fed milk protein concentrate as its protein source however, the 26g and the Original Nutritional Shake also contain an organic whey protein concentrate not from the milk of grass fed cows.
Is the corn genetically modified?
The only corn found in our products is the erythritol which comes from an organic source and is therefore always non-GMO.
So whether you are working out, or on the go with your kids, these may be some products you’d want to try out to get a boost! In case you are wondering what in the world you need superfoods for, let me just tell you that after being this deep in Whole30, I can almost guarantee you you are not getting enough vegetables. The superfoods powder gives you:
- 50 Organic Super Foods, Including Organic Fruits and Veggies and Organic Greens
- 5 Billion Probiotics
- 7g Organic Fiber
Boom! How about that? What products do you use and love that are healthy and delicious? Let me know in the comments below! I’ve had lots of you ask me for more healthy content and healthy new product recommendations in my reader survey so I’ll keep them coming unless you tell me differently!
PS You can shop these SOLOW pants (I love the MOTO detail!)  or my Solow sports bra & all other SOLOW apparel for 37% off right now at Pure Barre Birmingham. Call the Pure Barre studio to inquire about shipping or items available! 205-870-7279
Thank you to Orgain for partnering with me on this post and thank you to Casey Marie Photography for the bottom photos!