
Thirty-Six Weeks Pregnant Bumpdate

thirty-six weeks pregnant

thirty-six weeks pregnant

thirty-six weeks pregnant

Shop the Thirty-Six Weeks Pregnant Bumpdate Post: Non-Maternity Leith Dress (on sale!) // Accessory Conceirge Earrings // Brown Faux Leather Booties

Thirty-Six Weeks Pregnant Photographers: Eric & Jamie Photo

When I was talking to y’all in a recent Monday Instagram Live, I realized it would be fun to share my bumpdate from my pregnancy with Leyton too so I can see how different I look/feel with both pregnancies. You can see my thirty-six weeks pregnant bumpdate with Leyton and see how much bigger I look with this pregnancy, ha!

We are currently working on getting Leyton’s stuff out of the nursery and setting it up for baby boy #2. We have consolidated our master closet, and moved Eric’s stuff into it and taken most of Leyton’s clothes out of the nursery closet and moved them into his new big boy room (which is where Eric’s closet was-yes I hogged the master one to myself, ha).

We have gotten most of the baby stuff down out of the attic and now I need to go through all that and organize it, hang it, clean/sanitize, etc. We also need to find a chest of drawers and a bedside table for Leyton’s room as well as sell all of our old guest bedroom furniture. I also need to figure out what we are missing if anything for baby and pack my hospital bag. No big deal, right? Riiiiiiiiight…..

Thirty-six weeks pregnant

This is also the last week I’m on the schedule to teach at Pure Barre officially before baby gets here. I seriously CANNOT believe how much we have to do before baby gets here though so it’s probably a good thing that I’m taking a small break from teaching before baby is here so I can try my best to get everything completed! More to come on that below…

Thirty-Six Weeks Pregnant Bumpdate:

Size? Baby is the size of a head of romaine lettuce

Total weight gain: Well guys, I don’t even know what to say…38 lbs. There you have it. I can’t believe I just shared that with the world. Moving on…

Thirty-six weeks Pregnant bumpdate from alabama blogger heather of MyLifeWellLoved.com // pregnancy tips and hacks #pregnant #thirdtrimester

Maternity clothes & Favorite New Maternity Piece? Yes obviously I’m in maternity clothes but THIS DRESS I’m wearing in this post actually ISN’T maternity! I ordered it in my TTS size small and think that if I were to order it again I’d size up just so it would be a tad longer over the bump, but I’m excited to wear it after pregnancy in the fall and winter too. This dress is a cult favorite in all it’s different styles and with free shipping and returns you can’t go wrong.

I rounded up some of the BEST maternity friendly (that aren’t necessarily all specifically for maternity) workout clothes since that’s basically what I live/work in, in case you missed that post!

1 Thing I am Currently Having Trouble With: I am hustling so hard to try to get everything ready on the blog to be scheduled out and ahead so that when baby comes I can really try to unplug as much as possible, that sometimes I don’t feel like I can fully process all the emotions and what all is about to happen. AKA HUGE LIFE CHANGE!

Also on top of trying to get ahead on the blog, Eric’s grandfather passed away last week so he’s been out of town two weekends in a row visiting him to say goodbye and then for the funeral…now that’s he is back in town, he’s also working this weekend so that’s 3 weekends of me and Leyton by ourselves (one of which Leyton got the stomach bug). To say that I feel behind on life, would be an understatement. I’m so grateful Eric got to go be with his family but I’m also sad I couldn’t be there for him and that he missed our baby sprinkle which was 2 weekends ago (yes, I plan to do a full blog post on that soon!)

All I can say is that the Lord is sustaining me so that I’m not a puddle of emotional pregnancy hormones on the floor. HA!

thirty-six weeks pregnant

Best moment this week: As mentioned above, the past few weeks have been tough! Eric and I finally got a date night on Tuesday night at Bar Taco and it was SO nice to have that time to reconnect. Afterwards he treated me to some TCBY white chocolate mousse with cookie dough as well. YUM!

Sleep: For this point in pregnancy, I’m still pleasantly surprised. I’m not even waking up every night to go to the bathroom…shocker! I do find it hard to go back to sleep when Eric leaves early in the am for work which is usually NOT A PROBLEM. If there’s one thing I’m great at…it’s sleep. I think it’s where Leyton gets it from. 😉

1 thing I plan to do for myself this week: I have my eyelash extensions fill in this week which I always look forward to. It takes about an hour and I can just lay there and relax (although sometimes it’s hard as a preggo laying on your back for that long to be still – I’m at a slight incline but still). Don’t forget if you are local, you can get 20% off lash extensions at The Esthetic Loft in Homewood with code MLWL or 20% off hair cut/color etc with Briana when you mention my blog! I also asked my babysitter to keep Leyton for an extra morning this week to help alleviate some of my stress to get more work done.

Movement: Lots of rolling or twisting side to side in there. He’s getting too big to throw his bows at me much anymore, ha!

Food cravings: Still watermelon! I really wanted that TCBY white chocolate mousse with cookie dough this week. Fresh crunchy salads at lunch.

Gender: boy!

Labor signs: Nada!

Symptoms: Peeing every 5 minutes, constant thirst- (living in the Alabama heat + pregnancy + workouts ain’t easy, y’all!), sciatica occasionally and lower back pain when I stand too long (I know this would be so much worse if I weren’t going to the chiropractor!), HEAVY feeling.

Belly Button in or out? It’s pretty much as far to flat/somewhat out as it can be and the dark line is in full force down my belly as well.

Wedding rings on or off? On, thankfully no swelling yet!

Mood: I truly feel in shock that baby will be here in less than a month. I’m in no way, shape or form ready (work/emotionally/etc) except physically it’s obvious that I am ready, haha!

Looking forward to: The Pure Barre girls are throwing me a baby sprinkle this week which I’m super excited for…dinner with those girls is always a good time!


To read more Bumpdates, check these out:


Heather Brown helps busy mamas of young littles who are caught in the hustle to find encouragement in their journey to true health, from the inside out, starting with the heart. Read her journey of learning to live a life well-loved HERE!

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