Thank you to Viactiv for sponsoring this blog post. All opinions expressed are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that support MLWL.
Thirty-Three Weeks Pregnant Bumpdate:
How far along? Thirty-three weeks pregnant and baby is the size of a pineapple! I love pineapple but wow, that’s large. No wonder it feels a little tight in there, ha!
Total weight gain: 34 lbs probably at this point – I haven’t weighed in about a week and a half.
Maternity clothes? OBVIOUSLY…some of my maternity clothes are even starting to struggle over the bump. I could mostly only wear my DL1961 white denim shorts or maxi dresses on our trip to Jekyll Island.
Stretch marks? None yet…just still lots of cellulite and the touching thighs in the heat are killing me.
Sleep: Randomly woke up at around 5 am this am and kept flopping side to side unable to get comfortable and of course having to go to the bathroom. But for the most part, I really can’t complain about sleep yet.
Best moment this week: Our babymoon trip (aka last trip together as a couple before baby comes) was for sure a highlight after our car incident part was behind us. I can’t wait to share all the details with you in the coming weeks of staying at Jekyll Island Club Hotel and all that we did. If you missed my Instagram stories about it, you can go to my  Instagram page and click the TRAVEL highlights to see more about our trip!
Worst moment this week:Â After Eric and I hit the small engine in the road at 11:30 pm at about 65 mph on the interstate, we lifted off the ground and had quite the scare. Praise the Lord, He protected us and sent so many helpful people along the way, but I was definitely shaken up. My fight or flight response kicked into high gear and I felt nauseous, needed to go to the bathroom, was hot, then was cold and then all the sudden overwhelmingly tired…like could have taken a nap on the side of the road. It was the oddest feeling because Eric was so keyed up on adrenaline and I was like yawning every two seconds once I figured I wasn’t going to throw up. Thankfully I called my OBGYN after hours line and they said since the air bags hadn’t deployed and nothing had directly impacted my stomach everything should be fine.
Obsessing Over: Learning about pregnancy health and postpartum health. I was recently talking with my friend Lindsey during our Mom Real Talk Q&AÂ about all the benefits of taking probiotics while pregnant and then after you have baby. I learned a lot from her and then continued to do research on benefits of taking probiotics while pregnant and breast feeding so thought I’d share some of my findings here with you guys too in case you are interested. Of COURSE, you should always check with your doctor before taking or starting anything new especially while pregnant or breastfeeding, so do that before anything else!
I recently picked up the NEW Viactiv Digestive Health dark chocolate chews which are so delicious! I basically have to hide from Leyton because he just sees me “eating chocolate” and “wants some.” HA!
Viactiv Digestive Health is a Probiotic-Derived supplement that helps digestive upset* and has 1g Prebiotic fiber, which feeds good bacterial growth
- Helps reduce occasional upset*
- Helps promote healthy, diverse gut bacteria*
- Fermentate inhibits growth of bad bacteria*
- Great-tasting dark chocolate chew
For more information on Viactiv Digestive Health, you can visit HERE or join Viactiv on Facebook for giveaways and exclusive offers. To try Viactiv Digestive Health, order on Amazon here or check your local Rite Aid.
Movement: OH YES. Baby is pretty much camped out on the right side of my belly and I can always feel his little booty there if I place my hand near the top of my belly and lots of movement at night for sure.
Food cravings: cookie dough and icing – and of course still watermelon!
Gender: boy!
Symptoms: Less room to eat, so having to usually do smaller meals because there’s less room for the food to go.
Belly Button in or out? It’s pretty much flat. Wondering how much further it can go???
Mood: HOLY COW…7 weeks?!
Looking forward to: Our baby sprinkle is not this weekend but next!
To read more Bumpdates, check these out:
23 weeks // 24 weeks // 25 Weeks // 27/28 weeks pregnant // 29 Weeks // 31 Weeks
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Shop 33 Week Bump Date

I also had the same clothing issue with my 2nd pregnancy as you’re experiencing. It is frustrating when your maternity tops aren’t covering your bump- especially at work. Hang in there mama!