Shop the Toddler Gift Ideas Guide above: 1. Music Set // 2. EasyKicks Shoe Subscription Box // 3. Crocodile Dentist Game // 4. Bike // 5. Sidewalk Chalk // 6. Sticker & Activity Book // 7. Magnet tiles // 8. Piggybank // 9. Motorized Jeep // 10. Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site Book + Steam Train Dream Train Book Set
Pottery Barn Kids is offering free shipping with the code MERRY!
This anywhere chair is a one day deal and on sale for $99!
Yayyyyyy! The first official gift guide of the season is now up! I’m so excited because you guys were a TREMENDOUS help in getting this gift guide together. These toddler gift ideas came from me, friends, the lovies…aka YOU and Facebook. I am so glad you guys came through like you always do with awesome suggestions for these toddler gift ideas!
You all had SO many good toddler gift ideas that I am now quite certain that every member in my family will now know what to get for Leyton. Truly, y’all rock!
For Leyton’s birthday this year, we got him an experience gift…a year long pass to the zoo. He ADORES animals much like his momma and since Eric won’t let us get a dog quite yet, this is the best we could do, haha!
I’ve mentioned before that we get Leyton three gifts typically like the 3 gifts the wisemen brought baby Jesus for Christmas. I’ve heard it done several ways but here’s some of the things people mentioned to me they pick as their three gifts: something needed, something spiritual, something fun or something to wear, etc. You could get as creative with it as you like!
One of my favorite “something needed or something to wear” picks is the EasyKicks subscription box. You get new kicks for your kids when you need them for one low monthly fee. I loved Leyton’s first pair of blue Converse we got from EasyKicks and think we may switch it up and get him some Nikes next! I love that EasyKicks also gives back donating the gently used shoes to foster care. Make sure you check out the video here to see how it works!
Here’s the lovies’ picks for the best toddler gif ideas!
Best Toddler Gift Ideas:
- Pottery Barn Anywhere Chair
- Any “That’s Not My…” book by Usborne is fantastic for toddlers. My 2.5 year old loves them, and they teach kids how to spot difference between similar looking items.
- @littlegiraffeislove blankets/blankies, toddler trampoline, toddler basketball hoop. -deaniemichelle
- @fundanoodle has AWESOME STUFF!!! -marylaird_garrison
- Sidewalk chalk, magnadoodles, sticker books, and yes, the “dreaded” paint! My little is very into being creative right now so all art supplies brings happiness! -bekelstine
- Magnetic tiles! -lauwerslove
- Water Wow books are my favorite! Way less mess than actual painting and perfect for when you’re traveling or even at a restaurant! Play foam is fun for toddlers too! And I also second the magnetic tiles -alissaawalker
- Magnatiles are a hit every time! They come in a variety of colors and shapes and make for easy clean up. ☺️-mitcibartlett
- The boxes that all the gifts came in! ??That’s all my want to play with. -falonbrooke18
- Games!!! My little fella is a sucker for some good board games and matching games. -lindseyreganthorne
- Magnatiles or magformers for sure! -ashleeann912
- My niece loves anything that has to do with princesses. Lol. -elementsofellis
- Music instruments (son particularly likes horns and kazoos), trucks/cars, sound books and touch and feel books, he loves the fisher price piggy bank too! -momlifewithkelly
- Any kid instruments, Janod is a good brand. We love the guitar (ukulele). The Fisher Price Tea Pot set is great. Comes with cups and cake slices (my 2.5 yo is obsessed) sidewalk chalk, bubbles, paint, stickers, paint. Her imagination is so strong so she loves cooking in her kitchen. She is also very interested in babies (we like Melissa and Doug “Jenna” doll because her body is soft) and we are getting maganatiles for Christmas. We love Adam Rubin books, ex- Dragons love tacos. Or the Iggy Peck Architect, Ada Twist Scientist, Rosie Revere Engineer books are great for girls. Also Pottery Barn anywhere chair is a great Christmas gift. -abigail0303
I did one big gift and feel like I hit the jackpot!! Check out the little climber @lilyandriver ? I’m so pumped for my little guy. He climbs on anything! -cookinuplife
- I love the mag former blocks. Shapes. Etc. -myjoyfitjourney
- Do they have magnatiles? Those have been one of my kids’ favorites for a while now!
- What about an outdoor toy? Do you have a sandbox? My 2 and 5 year old spend hours together in our sandbox.
- I want to get mine the land of Nod water table and fill it with those colorful water beads!
- Swing cars! Best.investment.ever! My kids play on theirs all day every day! Mine are 6 and 3 and we got them for them when they were 20 months and 4☺️
- Magnatiles, smart max (we LOVE THOSE), keva planks are my next buy
- Zoo Pass
- We bought games for my daughter this year and it’s been great! We got her a crocodile dentist game and she loved it! She can play it by herself and it’s all one piece
- I agree with games! And our kids love Uno and go fish! They’re now 6 & 4 but have been playing a while! They can pick up on how to play those games as early as they know numbers and colors with some help!
- Ooo yes Uno Attack is a fav in our house
- Also I second the games!! My little one isn’t ready yet (T was playing all sorts of games by age 3) but this one is loved by both ages
- Micro scooter
- Doll house
- Barbie castle
- American girl dolls (they can be personalized too)
- Princess costumes that come with matching princess dolls (JC Penney’s sells matching ones)
- Jewelry kit
- Makeup bag made specifically for toddler girls to practice
- Zoo membership
- Science center membership
- Steam Train Dream Train book
- Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site book
- The Little Blue Truck book
- Fisher Price Power Wheels Jeep Wrangler
- Radio Flyer Red Rider Trike
As if I could stop there, here are so more great picks!
Shop the Toddler Gift Ideas below: