You guys have been asking for this Trader Joe’s Whole30 shopping list ASAP, and I’m glad to finally bring it to you today. I wanted to go to Trader Joe’s again and make sure they still had everything on hand and I’m glad I did because several things that were mentioned on Whole30 discussion boards and such online were discontinued.
If you are new to Whole30, I’d highly recommend you get the Whole30 book and start on my Whole30 resources page to see all my past Whole30 posts including recipes, weekly meal plans, and to join our Facebook accountability group.

So, now if you use this Whole30 shopping list this season, you’ll know I’ve already scouted out what is in or out of stock for you. 🙂
Please remember to check the labels carefully especially for items like meats, and other prepared items to make sure there is no hidden soy or sugar added. If you see anything that I put on this Whole30 shopping list that you see is in error, please let me know.

Trader Joe’s is relatively new to Birmingham. We’ve only had the store for a couple of years, and it’s already become a staple for us for wine/cheese/fun different and easy dinners and healthy options on the go. So, each time I do Whole30 I run in here to get some staples that I can’t find anywhere else.

I hope this Trader Joe’s Whole30 shopping list gives you a strong place to start and that you really get a lot out of it. I love this guacamole because it comes in small packs that are pre-portioned to take with you to work. You can dip carrots or cucumbers in it to remain compliant.
If you’ve been around here for any length of time, you know I basically live off of RX Bars. They are one of my favorite Whole30 staples. Although they are very chewy in texture and take some getting used to, they are such a healthy snack on the go option. By the end of your whole30, you’ll more than likely be obsessed with them like I am. My hubs’ favorite flavor is blueberry and my favorite that is whole30 approved is the chocolate sea salt.

As you know, I’ve teamed up with my friends Jess from Happily Hughes and Lindsey from Life Lutzurious for this Whole30 challenge and we’d love to have you join us at any time to do Whole30. We started on Tuesday so you aren’t very far behind! And even if you don’t want to do Whole30 but you want some healthy living tips and recipes, make sure to join our Whole30 Honeys Facebook group here!
Jess is sharing the Pro’s & Con’s of Whole30 on her blog this week and Lindsey has a really comprehensive Whole30 post to get you started on everything you need to know!
You can input your email below to have a printer friendly PDF version of the Trader Joe’s Whole30 grocery list sent directly to your email! It’s free and meant to help you get started on your Whole30 journey.
Get Our FREE Printable Whole30 Shopping List
We’ll send you a few emails a week with the latest posts to help you stay on top of your health & wellness.
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Hey Heather, Thanks for this list. I was wondering about the RX bars because many include chocolate so I looked up and found this on the Whole30 website…….The announcement of RxBar’s new Chocolate Sea Salt flavor, plus the other dried-fruit-and-nut bar companies who have recently approached us with partnership requests, brought this issue to a head. With so many new members of our community, and so many struggling to overcome cravings, food addictions, and reestablish a healthy relationship with food, we felt now was the time to revise the message we were sending through our promotional efforts, and provide clearer guidance for the Whole30 community.
Going forward, we will no longer promote any dried-fruit-and-nut bars under our official Whole30 Approved program. The only bars to which we will lend our name and our logo are those with meat as a base (like Primal Pacs, Chomps, and Epic Bars), as those will never be mistaken for candy.
YIKES!! I hate it too because I enjoy them in a pinch but was still trying to avoid the chocolate ones. Looks like this is saying not to be using ANY of them as a snack ONLY for an emergency food!!!
Hey Jill! Oh no, this is really sad news. Insert emoji tear here. Wahhhhhhhhhhh First they took our plantain chips and now this?! Oh. MY. Word. I’m seriously in shock. Thank you for sharing with me though. xoxo
While I don’t do Whole 30 a lot of those foods are my staples. The chicken and turkey burgers are go-to fast and easy dinners in my house, along with veggies and a salad.