Due to Memorial Day weekend sales round ups and our busy travel schedule, I decided to combine my twenty-seven weeks pregnant and twenty-eight weeks pregnant bumpdate posts this week because we had so much good stuff to get up and out to you guys. I figured you may be mad if I didn’t get you those sales or the booty challenge so I gotta keep y’all as happy as I can. 😉
Speaking of sales, almost everything I’m wearing in these pictures is on sale right now. My Black Wedge Shoes are on MEGA sale and my dress although a splurge is currently on sale and great for summer weddings and events if you have a bump.
I canNOT believe that this is the beginning of the third trimester!!! I’ll be bringing you my second trimester must haves soon so if you have any suggestions that I need to add on, please let me know!
Twenty-Seven Weeks Pregnant / Twenty-Eight Weeks Pregnant Bumpdate:
Size: Baby is the size of a large eggplant. Excuse me?! That’s huge already. It feels like I have a little chihuahua in my belly trying to get out sometimes…SO much movement all throughout the day. Sometimes it even startles me because the moves are so big.
Weight gained: 25 lbs+ eek!
Symptoms: Round ligament pain when I walk. Lower back stiffness at times. Shortness of breath when walking sometimes. As silly as this sounds it is driving me crazy that my thighs are touching right now from the weight gain… it makes me hotter with the humidity and rising Alabama temps. The bump just feels super HEAVY. Already feeling large and in charge and it’s only the BEGINNING of the third trimester. I can also pee almost ANY TIME. I can literally go and then 5 minutes later go again to try to empty my bladder before bed. Help! ha.
Shop the twenty-eight weeks pregnant bumpdate post: Isabella Oliver Maternity Dress // Black Wedge Shoes // Earrings – use code MLWL for 20% off // Turquoise Ring
Favorite wardrobe piece to wear right now: At the beach I was constantly in my Old Navy shorts (love that I can still rock my normal size!) and bathing suits of course.
Boy or girl? Boy!

1 thing I am currently having trouble with:Â Figuring out the weekend we need to schedule to potty-train Leyton on and having patience with him. My pregnancy hormones are making my patience short.
1 moment I loved about this past week:Â It’s felt SO nice to be back home after two weeks out of town.
1 thing I plan to do for myself this week:Â Â Taking 3 Pure Barre or Empower classes this week + booty challenge workouts! After not working out other than walking the beach for 2 weeks, I’ll for sure be sore.
Food cravings: Double stuff Oreos – thank God they are all finally gone! Watermelon. Orange Juice.
Currently working on: Catching up from vacation, scheduling photo shoots and content for June and trying to get more pieces picked out for Leyton’s room.
Last thing that I have to tell y’all about is that my friends over at Kindred Bravely- my fave pregnancy PJ’s– are celebrating turning 3 and offering a MASSIVE giveaway!
Make sure you head over HERE to enter to win!Â