I’ve been a little MIA this week on the blog because I’m in Tampa visiting this beautiful friend and sister-in-law. Don’t worry though because I’ll be back next week in full force with a new restaurant review from Birmingham, more outfit posts, and awesome healthy recipes.
I hope whether you’re spring breaking or at home working hard that you are enjoying an awesome week! Our weather has been less than ideal in Tampa so far, but it has been an amazing opportunity to unplug, chill out, and catch up on rest. I read an article recently that stress was more likely to cause cancer and heart disease than cigarettes! That’s just one more thing to stress about…SO let’s take a moment to focus on how to unwind.
Here’s my top 3 tips to unwind whether you’re poolside at home, lazing on the couch on a Sunday, or actually in another city on vacation:
1. Unplug. Try to avoid looking at your phone very often. Put it on silent and only check it a few times throughout the day. It’s amazing how relaxing it is to not hear your email constantly dinging with “things to do.”
2. Sleep in. Whether this means not setting an alarm–or maybe even just waking up at the same time but staying in bed for an extra 30 minutes to read. Chill out in your bed for a little longer than usual.
3. Take your time. Try to avoid feeling rushed. When you can, avoid making plans, deadlines and reservations. Let the day come as it will. Maybe even pray for the LORD to help you release the stress of your everyday life and unwind during this trip or weekend.
I hope you all have a weekend well loved & well rested!

You’re in my city! Hope you’re having a blast!
I am so glad that I happened upon your blog…because I have been having a very stressful life right now. I am heading out on vacation with the hubby to some dear friends home and thanks for the reminder on how to unwind! God Bless!
Oh, Cheryl, that makes my day. Thanks so much for leaving a comment and enjoy your vacation! God bless you too!
Unplugging is the NUMBER 1 way to slow my mind down. Sometimes I have to leave it at home & go to the park to read or a small coffee shop because I’m not disciplined enough to not use it if I’ve got it! Goodness gracious what did we do before iPhones?! haha