Like really, how ARE you?
Sometimes we have crazy mornings (you know, the messy kind when you have to reheat your coffee 3 times and someone is crying because you offered the wrong cup?). Sometimes we’re walking through stressful, uncertain days. It’s easy to let important things slide when you feel overwhelmed. Often the first thing we let go is self-care.
One way that I try hard to find balance is to reevaluate my mindset. I’m far from perfect, but I try to:
- turn on worship music
- find a quiet moment to do my Bible study
- or post a memory verse on my fridge
I know that if I remind myself of how WELL LOVED I am by God, the more motivated I am to take care of my body, work out, eat well, etc.
Are you ready for your cute freebie today?
Download Your Valentine’s Day Memory Verses
HERE are some of my MOST favorite memory verses about loving my body! If you want, you can print this out these Valentine’s Day memory verses and hang them on your fridge. I chose some longer ones and some shorter ones so that you can include your kiddos in memorizing!
Today’s Takeaway:
Today, take a minute to choose a verse and then start memorizing it with your kids! Leyton and I love to practice our Bible verses in the car every morning on the way to school. I love turning the verses into a song or a chant to make it fun for the boys. Finn even pipes in in his own way-usually loudly and obnoxiously! 😉
Remember, please DM me on Instagram as you complete each day’s action step – YOU are the reason I wrote these words and hearing from you makes my day! Which memory verse resonates with you, and why? I can’t wait to hear from y’all!