Happy first day of the month of love! I sure am smitten over my little Leyton and of course the hubs, but I’ll be doing a whole separate post about that later. 🙂 Today’s post is all about our Valentines Day outfits plus a fabulous giveaway at the bottom of the post for you to enjoy!
Our Cute Valentines Day Outfits:
When I thought about dressing up with Leyton for Valentine’s Day, I tried to think of an outfit that other moms could wear to look cute for their husbands but also kind of coordinating with their baby or child in case they had to go to Valentine’s Day parties and such. It’s not easy to figure out a pink outfit for mom and baby that’s not overkill and also still looks boyish and cute.
And, let’s be honest, how many of you are actually going out on Valentine’s Day with your spouse? I know we probably aren’t! We usually celebrate Valentine’s night in and avoid the crowds. Plus, it can be hard to find a babysitter on Valentine’s Day! We like to celebrate another night close by when there aren’t fixed menus and the hoopla has settled down some. Also, since Eric works 7 days on and 7 days off, it makes a lot of sense for us to enjoy a date night during the week without everyone and their mom out at the restaurants with us. I figured if we aren’t going out to celebrate on Valentine’s Day, I can at least have a laid back but still cute outfit to wear to look good for my husband at home. 🙂
You guys are probably sick of seeing me wear this pink ruffle shirt, but I love it so much! It’s so unique with it’s ruffle detail and when I found it on sale at Nordstrom, I couldn’t resist! I’m wearing a small for reference. It’s silky and light which is perfect for this balmy weather we’ve been having in Birmingham. The jeans are some of my very favorites. I wear them at least once a week. They hit me at the perfect spot (not too long and not too short) and I’m 5′ 6.” The jeans are comfortable and give as you move…not too rigid or uncomfortable.
And, oh my stars, my littlest Valentine and his cuddly giggles in these photos…all the heart eye emojis over this one. I adore him in this little H&M gray vest and his comfy little patterned pants that have a touch of pink in them to coordinate with mommy. Whenever we are having a fussy day, I can look at these pictures of him giggling with me and it makes my heart so much happier.
Are you going to dress up for Valentine’s Day? Are you braving the crowds? Are you going to dress up with your little love? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!
Shop these Mom & Baby Valentines Day Outfits:
Shirt // Pants // Booties // Earrings: At Home in Homewood
Leyton’s Shirt // Vest // Shoes
Loving these Valentines Day outfits for Mom and Baby? Click here now for some cute Valentines Day gifts for her!
With Valentine’s Day approaching, I decided to team up with some of my favorite bloggers and bring you a Nordstrom Giveaway. One lucky reader will win a $1,000 gift card to Nordstrom. To enter, please use the widget below.
Money Can Buy Lipstick | Mash Elle | Ashley Brooke Nicholas | Diary of a Debutante | Sunshine & Stilettos
Cameron Proffitt | The Styled Fox | A Lo Profile | Visions of Vogue | Inspiration For Moms
The Girl In The Yellow Dress | By Brittani Lauren | A Vintage Splendor | Coming Up Roses | xoxoBella
Style in a Small Town | Sunflowers and Stilettos | Karlie Rae | Audrey Madison Stowe | Nines to 5
Laura Wears | Blush & Blooms | Fashion and Frills | Here’s The Skinny | Adored by Alex
Sunsets and Stilettos | Ashley’s Passion for Fashion | Coffee Beans and Bobby Pins | Sophistifunk | Life Lutzurious
My Life Well Loved | January Hart | Glitter & Spice | The Blue Hydrangeas | A Gallon of Glitter
Stilettos and Diapers | Styled Adventures | Toreys Treasures | Petite Style Script | Marvelous in the Midwest
a Rafflecopter giveaway
You are sure to discover some amazing bloggers you may not already be following! Good luck!