I had a conversation the other night with some friends about body image. We were talking a lot about how many of us struggle with accepting compliments, with noticing the positive and accepting changes as they come due to babies, age, or other factors.
This got me thinking about how often we as women tend to weigh ourselves on how much we weigh, how much a number on a scale says or how we compare to the Victoria’s Secret models in magazines. So, I wanted to pose the question to you that this video poses, “What do you wish people weighed you on?”
This is some GREAT food for thought and I hope it inspires you to weigh yourself on what really matters! I am weighing myself on the way I love and cherish my husband and on lifting others up. I recently was reminded of a story a friend told me about her in-laws.
When the husband of 60+ years was taking some of his last breaths and the whole family was around, his wife told him that the honor of her life was loving him and starting a family together. What a joy that is! What a contribution and legacy to leave for your family to see. I told Eric that I am so overjoyed to love him and start a family with him last week but it’s worth daily remembering and re-focusing on. I believe that the gift of marriage is something to cherish, nurture and grow and we hope that our marriage can be an inspiration for those around us pointing others to Christ, especially our children, one day!
I’d love to hear from you what you weigh yourself on? Please share below in the comments and I’ll be sharing some of the answers in a few days in another post. I love hearing from you guys and truly appreciate every comment and pair of eyes that reads here, so don’t be shy! 🙂
*Thanks to Lean Cuisine for sponsoring this conversation with their Weigh This campaign. What do you wish people would ‘weigh’ you on besides your weight? Answer via social media by using the #Weighthis hashtag and tagging me in it or via the comments below.

Thank you so much for this post. And kudos to Lean Cuisine for this campaign. I weigh myself on how much I inspire and empower the women and girls in my life. That is my life’s work and passion.
This is so true! It’s so hard to not focus on the outside and comparing to others when every media outlet is re-enforcing those thoughts! I try to weigh myself based on how I can positively impact those around me, whether it’s a client, friend, family member or total stranger!
Admittedly I weigh myself daily on my scales when I should weigh myself more on being a good mother and loving and supportive wife. Thanks for making me think about this Heather.
We are so much more than our weight! I think people of all sizes are drop dead gorgeous. I got real tired of comparing myself to Viccy’s Secret models awhile ago.. I’m short waisted, and all my fat goes to my tummy… so while I’m a normal weight, my legs are slim and my torso is just not, “catalog abs.” We have to focus on the positive, on the beauty all around us.
So many people do “gorgeous” differently!
Wow. So powerful. My scale at home has been broken forever – but I admittedly weigh myself any time I do see a scale. You definitely have me thinking more about this. Thanks so much for sharing.
What a great campaign! I hope we can all choose to measure ourselves by what’s on the inside, rather than the outside!